Sunday, October 2, 2011

Wow - Day 2 Filled with Thanks!

I'm surprised by the wonderful response already.  My sister-in-law Jene posted the start of my 'venture' on Facebook and I so appreciate the attention it prompted.  I have to include my "Thank You" here because I haven't figured out how to respond through the site. 

Speaking of the things 'I don't know...', (I'll limit that to 'blog things', or it would be another Never Ending Story). I have talked with Karen at Valentine Design (Blog Designer) and she will be helping me develop my site.  I contacted her just before she departed on a 3 week road trip with her family.  So for now I'm using Bloggers free background...However, expect some pretty pages when she returns!  She will likely become my guru for all things blog...I do need help!
  • I plan on having a personalized background.  
  • I need to learn how to respond to all the lovely people who take the time to 'visit'. 
  • As I mentioned yesterday, I plan on getting a camera and adding pictures.  
In the mean time, I have an e-mail account   I've heard that it can be linked directly to the comments, which I will explore.  Are there other cool blog things you've seen and find helpful?  Let me know!  I will share now that I don't intend to add music.  First of all I know it slows loading and second if you open a couple of music'd sites on top of each other...well it's not a pretty chorus!

Wherever you are, have a glorious day and thank you for visiting.  It's filled my heart with accolades.

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