Early Changes
I first ran across Young's Flowers
during a visit to The Victorian Country Christmas...
gosh, I think that was about 20 years ago!
I remember coming out to see the shop because of all the wonderful
vintage style gift and home decor items they had in their booth.
At the time, I remember thinking that Enumclaw
would be a great little place to live....
There was a drug store on the corner with a Hallmark section,
which is now split into separate operations.
One half will soon open as Jackson's, an Italian pizza place and the other side
is a busy Gaming Zone for teens, lots of big screens and Rock Band, etc.
When I came out here years ago, there was a quilt shop
which it's now a Thai restaurant and it still has a wonderful mural
of a an old fashioned haberdasher outside.
In my rafting days, I drove through this little town many a time
and continued to think that it would be a great place to live....
but it was my brother Don and his wife Denice who made the first move.
It wasn't until about 8 years ago that I finally moved to Enumclaw
and although the commute is llonnnggg...
I love being in this small community.
I love driving by the cows and fields,
I love seeing the mountain bold & beautiful whenever the sky is clear,
I love the seasonal parades that have as many people
going down the street as sitting on the side lines...
and I love that people are so interested in our move across the street...
I think it's amazing that Young's Flowers was one of the first things
that lured me to Enumclaw and now we will be sharing a store space.
The Youngs no longer own the business.
For several years it's been in the hands of 3 very nice people
Helen & Mary (Mom & Daughter) and John (Mr.Helen) is their go-to-guy
for building, moving, etc...as well as the ever important flower delivery.
John's been very busy moving, remodeling, & rewiring their counter.
I've been painting the lower walls to a lighter color...and Sharon (from Porter's)
has been clearing the upstairs, getting ready for our big sale this weekend...
I'm only painting below the display loft.
The area above is a light moss green which we'll keep for awhile.
This picture shows the beadboard in black and
there were a couple of red sections too.
...here's the primer mid-application. I had it tinted the same color as the paint,
which is Swiss Cream. It's still wet here, but the finish is actually flat.
...and here's the next wall to get paint...
...and then there's the purple carpet
and this little 'loft' that we need to clear out...
...more pix to come as I get things done...so I better sign off and get busy!
....hope you'll check in again soon!