Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses...

none of them good!


Instead of trying to give lame excuses for not posting since March.
I'll just tell you about my most recent adventure. 

I took a Jeneric vacation for the first 2 weeks in May.
I spent it with my brother & his wife in NC & Florida.  
  Jene + Eric = Jeneric!
(They also have Jeneric children.)

Jene & Eric had scoped out a couple of antique shops
 and they knew I'd love them...
and of course I wanted to check them out...
and of course I did love them...
and of course I bought some stuff...
and of course I wish I could have bought more!
(Why do those flights have to have baggage limits anyway?)

Eric had to work those first few shopping days in NC 
but when he was done with work on Thursday 
we headed east to the beach.

We arrived in Myrtle Beach well after dark
 so couldn't really see anything.
However, we woke on Friday to a glorious, sunny morning.
The beach was beautiful and the 'crowds' really non-existent.
 So what else would we do but go Para-sailing!
 It was a first for all 3 of us.
It was a thrill.
It was great to share this experience.
 It was a good day.

 I know this picture is small..,
but given the amount of non-tan skin hanging out,
 it's actually the perfect size!

  Friday evening we headed south,
arriving in Disneyworld Saturday morning.
 We had a week long Jeneric Celebration.
in honor of their 25th Wedding Anniversary.
I feel very fortunate to have had this time to spend with them 
and appreciate being included in this great trip. 

As Eric & Jene were celebrating their 25years,
 Cory & Teri were just beginning their 25year adventure...

And along with all of this celebration
 we also had time for plain ol'silly-n-fun!

After years of reading and sharing many Star Wars books
Nick & I finally got a chance to visit one of our favorite
lands far far away...and...

I have to thank Nick for being so obliging with
 his ol'Auntie's request for this picture!

I have a lot of pictures in my camera and
many more in my memory but more importantly, 
I came home with a heart full of love & joy.
Aren't we lucky 
to have hearts with an endless capacity for both...
 I can't wait for the next time we can get together.
Will it be when there are Wedding Bells Ringing?

Hope you'll keep checking back for my next post
when I'll share about plans for our upcoming Vintage Faire!
...and I promise it will be soon!

1 comment:

  1. Coreen, we had a blast too!!! It was good to see you and to get to shop around with you before heading to WDW... Looking forward to seeing you and celebrating a wedding in November!!! Love you!
