Sunday, January 1, 2012

Weighing the important things in life on this first day of 2012.....Faith, Family, & Friends


I am so fortunate to have family and friends who have been more faithful to checking my blog than I have been about making entries.   If you've read my first words, you know I had very strong feelings about starting on October 1st, and I'm still very happy that I was able to accomplish this goal.  However, I was remiss about having a plan to keep it going.   As the holidays 'ticked' by, I tackled this plan and it then became apparent that I needed to have a 'renewal' date....What could be better than New Year's Day?

So here I am today, ready to renew this journey and hoping you will rejoin me on this venture.  I can't promise I'll post everyday, but my goal is to never leave you hanging again.

So where have I been and what have I been doing?  Some of you know, I have been able to open a vintage booth.   As I mentioned in my profile, it's actually for old stuff and new, fabric and furniture, sad antiques made happy or new items given a sense of age.

I now actually have 2 booths and even though it's been a lot of work, it's a great experience.  I'm currently at The Queen's Ransom in Buckley and Porter's Antiques & Trading Co in Enumclaw...Both are way up here in the Great Pacific NW of Washington State.    

If you're in the area, I hope you stop in and have a look around.  Even if you don't find something in my little corner, there are many vendors with many delightful items.  It's a chance to stroll through history and take a little walk down memory lane.  

The picture above is a lovely old scale I have in Buckley.  It seemed the perfect 'starting point' for this re-beginning, capturing the most important aspects of my life...Faith, Family and Friends.

Thanks for visiting, hope you stop by again soon...Coreen

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