Saturday, January 7, 2012

Poor Dead Mouse

I'm sorry for leaving you hanging for the last couple of days.  But I may have spoken too soon when I titled my last post about being glad germs can't travel the web.  It' very curois indeed, because when I was trying to post the very next evening, my computer wouldn't respond.  Several years ago I had a picture of the skeletal remains of a mouse.  Not the elephant scaring little creatures that try to live sneakily in some houses...but rather what would appear to be the perfect 'rib cage' for a computer  mouse.  I wish I had that to share with this post.  My computer has 'gone into hospital' for mouse failure.  It will undergo diagnostics and the necessary surgical interventions.  Then the staff will be sure it is performing adequately through a series of rehab evaluations.   I will be able to bring it home once it's proven to have been fully recovered in about 7-12 days.  
Although I have obviously found how post using my smart phone (intelligence still questionable).  I'm not likely to participate in this difficult posting process again.   So I don't leave you hangin,  I will plan to be back by the 15th of January.  This is a little less than 12 days, but they assured me that MFS (Mouse Failure Syndrome) is a relatively minor affliction with a generally speedy recovery.  Keep your fingers crossed for us...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Good thing germs can't ride the web

Sniffle, Sniff, Sneeze Sneeze, Eyes watering, Ears Popping, Hot then Cold.
It's amazing that we can put a man on the moon, immunize millions against flu and
pneumonia and still this tiny little bug can do an end run and turn me into a Sneezing Maniac!

I know this is such a bore, but I was determined to 'stop by'.
Hoping for something more interesting tomrorrow. 
 Remember that hand washing is our best defense against these determined little creatures,
which leaves me wondering when/where I missed!
Thanks for visiting me in my sick bed....Coreen

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Keeping it Real...or would Reel be more appropriate?

I've just been to Miss Mustard Seed's blog, you should go there too!  If I ever figure out how to do some of the great linky-thingies, I'll list/link some of my favorite places to e-visit.  Anyway, she links you to a series on 'grow your blog'.  The first entry is today and it's about Authenticity.   So, although I'm not someone who makes resolutions for the New Year (because I never keep them!), I did 'resolve' to continue with my blog as daily as maybe this year, I do have a 'resolution'?!  (How about that?)...and I will work on being Authentic.

The other advice was to 'write like you talk or think'...Oh my, that would be a mistake for me...I tend to ramble, interrupt (others and myself), repeat, get circular in thought, forget nouns, forget where I was in a story, forget punch lines, mix metaphors...need I go on?  What I will do is write like I always write (for those who receive my rare letters)...Today's post is a little more like I talk or think (hmm?)...good evidence of why I shouldn't write this way...Too much of my 'flight of ideas' shows through.  It's an example of how I talk/think...lot's of parenthetical phrases or slightly sarcastic or smart-mouth comments (That's why I've always found it more fun to sit at the back of the class and why when I need to behave, I send myself to the front right away.) I also have to put myself on restriction from certain 'friends', because they are the bad influence (not the other way around, I'm sure.)...see what I mean, ramble!

Anyway...I will try to keep it Real...Oh and as my header said "Reel would be more appropriate".  I have many, many family members who live to fish and are descended from like stock...Myself included (the descended part, not the live to fish part).  

So, if you (in your opinion) believe I'm not being reel (aka real), let me know, send me a comment....I will try to real-it-up (no pun intended) (hahaha)...Ok, another interruption...some of you may know that my knick name is Corey and my middle name is Dee** (I'll tell you about my **namesake another day) (see what I mean about interrupting myself)...Well, several (or by now you could say many) years ago, several of my co-workers recognized my sense of humor for what it is and corrected my name to Corney you see, I really meant that 'hahaha' at the start of this paragraph...and now I got another chuckle when I typed really!

Maybe I've just been up for too many hours...better close and again say, Thank you for visiting...and I meant it when I said to let me know if you don't think I'm being Real or Reel, whichever you prefer....Coreen

Monday, January 2, 2012

A Beautiful Name...or a name made beautiful!

I was blessed to be given this adorable banner by my Sister-in-law Denice.  She has a great artful eye and has made several themed banners for their home, which add just the right pop to her decorating.  When she asked what she could do to help me on this venture, I didn't hesitate to ask for my 'name' in a banner.  All I had to do was give her some scrap book paper I liked and then she returned it like this!

My old camera doesn't capture the sparkle of the glitter, rich color, or the paper's texture... but I think you can still see how cute it is!...It is sprinkled with little delights, buttons and paper flowers, chiffon ribbon, little 'pops' of excitement like these:

   A Mini Blackboard

   Another 58 
I have it draped across an old cabinet door.  I loved the chippy blue green with a pale salmon peeking through, it's so 50's Melmac!   When you find a treasure that's in a wonderful chippy condition, you've got to do something to keep it from completely chipping away.  In this case I used a green tuff scrubber and rubbed the lifting paint.  Then I used Annie Sloan's dark wax to seal it,  this also added to the warmth of it's aging beauty.  I especially love the little toggle handle and hinges that are still attached, something my photography hasn't captured.

 Denice also had her hand in this waterfall desk.  She did the original painting but needed to move it from their garage before being able to finish it.  I'm not sure this is what she envisioned when she started, but this is how it turned out!   
 I call it my Barney Miller desk.

  It's aged warm glow is also from Annie Sloan's dark wax.   Those old props were always aged by having something rubbed all over them and it's the perfect era.  It's also at Porter's. 

I have a lot of booth work to do, as well as Christmas to put away,
so I will close as always by saying...
Thanks for visiting...Coreen

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Weighing the important things in life on this first day of 2012.....Faith, Family, & Friends


I am so fortunate to have family and friends who have been more faithful to checking my blog than I have been about making entries.   If you've read my first words, you know I had very strong feelings about starting on October 1st, and I'm still very happy that I was able to accomplish this goal.  However, I was remiss about having a plan to keep it going.   As the holidays 'ticked' by, I tackled this plan and it then became apparent that I needed to have a 'renewal' date....What could be better than New Year's Day?

So here I am today, ready to renew this journey and hoping you will rejoin me on this venture.  I can't promise I'll post everyday, but my goal is to never leave you hanging again.

So where have I been and what have I been doing?  Some of you know, I have been able to open a vintage booth.   As I mentioned in my profile, it's actually for old stuff and new, fabric and furniture, sad antiques made happy or new items given a sense of age.

I now actually have 2 booths and even though it's been a lot of work, it's a great experience.  I'm currently at The Queen's Ransom in Buckley and Porter's Antiques & Trading Co in Enumclaw...Both are way up here in the Great Pacific NW of Washington State.    

If you're in the area, I hope you stop in and have a look around.  Even if you don't find something in my little corner, there are many vendors with many delightful items.  It's a chance to stroll through history and take a little walk down memory lane.  

The picture above is a lovely old scale I have in Buckley.  It seemed the perfect 'starting point' for this re-beginning, capturing the most important aspects of my life...Faith, Family and Friends.

Thanks for visiting, hope you stop by again soon...Coreen