Sunday, February 19, 2012

Good Night Ladies

  When I moved out of my parents home 
and started gathering my own Christmas decorations, 
it became clear that Angels were a favorite choice; 
I didn't consciously say "I want to collect Angels", 
however they cover about 90% of my very full Christmas tree,
that's an artificial tree.  (EEK you might say.)
  Let me explain:
  In my heart of hearts, 
I have to say that I prefer a real tree,
but I also love a flocked tree.
 However, flocking is an environmental nightmare, 
so I've opted to have a flocked artificial tree. 
 I've had it for 7 years and haven't regretted it!  
The 3rd year I opted to put up a real tree on Thanksgiving weekend.  
But, by Christmas Eve it was in very sad shape
 so spent the morning moving everything to my 'pretty' tree
 before my family arrived!

 I have to say that it's always hard for me to put
 I could have my tree & decorations up all year...
or at least that's how I feel at the time.  
My personal deadline for packing it up is Valentine's Day...
so I can't actually say I would still 'love it' in July.
...but on these dark days of Winter,
 I never want to remove the light of my tree and sparkly decorations.  
This year is no exception,
 and it took me until the 11th to get it all down,
just under the wire!

Getting back to the theme of this post,
 I'm saying 'good night' to Christmas and my lovely Angels, 
a few I've selected to include. 
 The little ladies pictured on the tree were my parents'.
  I don't know from where or whence they came, 
but they've been part of Christmas for as long as I can remember.  
The trio on my mantel were from my Mother; 
she's actually the one who noticed my affinity for Angels.

....And so I say....Good Night Ladies! 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Thank Heaven for Little Boys

Do you remember Maurice Chevalier?  
If you are so fortunate, 
then you are likely to remember a similar song title sung by 
Mr. Chevalier; 
Thank Heaven for Little Girls 
The lyrics go on to share that he is always thankful when he sees little girls, 
he is thankful for them because...
"they grow up in such delightful ways!"
What may at first have sounded a little Ouooo (nose crinkling)
is really more OoLaLa (eyes winking.)

My personal reference is for my 3 brothers Brian, Eric & Don
 (who will forever wear his boyhood moniker 'Donny' in my mind). 
Although I couldn't foresee the blessing when I was young and longing for a baby sister;
I thank heaven for these little boys...
because they've grown up in such delightful and helpful ways!

Although they've all helped at different time,
I want to take this minute to express my Thankfulness
that Brian has a weekly 'lay over' in Seattle.  
This allows me to spend time with him regularly.  
It's not every week, and it's rarely more than a few hours,
but the opportunity is there and I'm very grateful.
Lately, I've taken full advantage of his helpful nature...
  he's arrived to a list of 'can you help'
to which he is always willing to lend a hand.
So for those of you who know the tune, 
you can imagine the following to music.
Thank heaven for little boys, 
they grow up in such delightful & helpful ways!

PS...If you don't remember Maurice Chevalier, 
then you really should 'google' and 
see if you can't find a site to listen as he croons in his
 deliciously charming french accent.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Baby's Got a New Dress

Here's my new blog design. 
Karen did an amazing job, especially considering it was all just with a phone consult.
I told her the 'things' I like about other blogs, both those she's done and others I've seen.  
She brought several bits together to this lovely presentation.  
Karen's button to "My Desert Cottage" is with my favorites.
There you will find many 'lovelies', along with a link to 'Valentine Designs' her blog design site. 
I encourage you to check it out.  
Even if you don't have a need for a blog design (at present), 
she shows many of her previous designs and they actually link to those sites...
many lovely blogs to visit!  
It's an avenue for getting 'lost' in blogland.
