Sunday, October 9, 2011

What's it all about?

58 Vintage Faire 

That's 'what it's all about'!
You put your antique in, You put your antique out
You put your antique in, now sand and paint it all about!
Go on a Treasure Hunt
Scour Craigslist, Estate Sales or the Garage Sale Market
You know what I mean..."Junk to one, Treasure to another"
Sew, paint, craft, post on CL (& now blog!) for everyday & holidays
Make Sad Antiques Happy
Give New Items that Sense of Age
Find Treasure to Share Their Space 
Then what to do with it all?
Find a little shop and rent some space.
Make some walls out of old doors
(The cool kind of 1923 french doors with 12 window panes each)
 Move in tables-n-chairs and cover with collected 'treasure'

Now, wait (and hope)...Did I find 'Treasure'?

Oh, excitement and affirmation, 'Treasure' is selling!
Which means...Gotta Go Getta Go Treasure Hunting again

So here's the chorus for my new venture!
Go on a Treasure Hunt
Scour Craigslist, Estate Sales or the Garage Sale Market
You know what I mean..."Junk to one, Treasure to another"
Sew, paint, craft, post on CL (& now blog!) for everyday & holidays
Make Sad Antiques Happy
Give New Items that Sense of Age
Find Treasure to Share Their Space 

If you are in the area (Buckley, Washington)
Stop in at "The Queen's Ransom" on Main Street
It's open 10am-5pm Mon-Sat
Look for my 'Window'd Walls' and take a peek!

Apologies to those who are too far away
But don't feel left out.
Remember, Camera & Pix 'Coming Soon'

How I decided on
58 Vintage Faire
Several names tumbled through my mind
(remember, my notes on flight of ideas a lot in mind) 
I wanted a number that was my own 
58...(Born in 1958)

It had to be to the point
Sad Antiques Made Happy
 New Items Given a Sense of Age
 Treasure to Share Their Space 
Vintage...(The Treasure, not just me!)
It had to say excitement and fun, like I find at a fair
but I thought the 'Old English' spelling more fitting 
58 Vintage Faire
That's 'what it's all about'!
You put your antique in, You put your antique out
You put your antique in, now sand and paint it all about!
I guess you could say I'm having a perpetual 'Hokey Pokey' Party
Thanks for visiting and hope you drop in again...Coreen


Saturday, October 8, 2011


I was going to title this post with "I'm back"...but for some reason it brought to mind something from a horror flick, (I'm not sure why?!).   Not totally inappropriate for the season, but just couldn't bring myself to use it.

My next post will give more specifics about "58 Vintage Faire".  Once the site is completely developed, I expect to post daily.  I think it will be more interesting once I'm able to add pix and the site is all 'pretty-fied'. 
Today's goal: Stop by the Verizon store here in Enumclaw and learn how to have my VM for this site 'alert' on my phone.  My personal email makes a bright sound, but I don't get that for 58VF's email. 

As mentioned, tomorrow I'll tell more about 58 Vintage Faire but that's not all I have in mind.  Those of you who know me well, are not surprised to hear that I have 'a lot in mind'.  Some might even call it 'flight of ideas', but I prefer to think of it as stretching my right brain!

In the Anticipation post, I mentioned torturing individuals with wrapped surprises.  Well here are a few 'wrapped' post titles (in no particular order)...Use your imagination to pick them up, feel their weight and shake them around...What do you think they'll be about?   If I haven't  'unwrapped'  these in the next month, be sure and remind me, because remember I have flight of ideas  a lot in mind!
  • 'What's it all about? 
  • Drop On By (this one likely to be recurrent)
  • Driving Forces
  • Beautiful Name
  • New Housemate
  • PhD
Since Verizon isn't open yet, I have some time to work on a few new things for you to 'Aniticipate'.  Again I close with heartfelt a Thanks for Visiting...Coreen

Monday, October 3, 2011


I've known a few people who are tortured by an unopened gift, with all those feelings of anticipation becoming almost unbearable.   I envy those adults who have held onto that childhood excitement, like being unable to sleep on Christmas Eve because there's so much anticipation of the excitement of Christmas morning.  I have to admit, that I've occasionally 'tortured' a few loved  by giving them a wrapped gift ahead of when they could open it!  Hmmm, what does that say about me?  (It's OK, you can keep whatever you're thinking to yourself, I won't mind.), I have my own batch of anticipation 'brewing'.  I've started gathering ideas as I wait for my blog designer to return from her trip, and hence started gathering anticipation.   And I can't wait until I have a camera to share these 'things' with now have a started you on the 'anticipation highway'?

Once again, thank you for joining me on my journey!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Wow - Day 2 Filled with Thanks!

I'm surprised by the wonderful response already.  My sister-in-law Jene posted the start of my 'venture' on Facebook and I so appreciate the attention it prompted.  I have to include my "Thank You" here because I haven't figured out how to respond through the site. 

Speaking of the things 'I don't know...', (I'll limit that to 'blog things', or it would be another Never Ending Story). I have talked with Karen at Valentine Design (Blog Designer) and she will be helping me develop my site.  I contacted her just before she departed on a 3 week road trip with her family.  So for now I'm using Bloggers free background...However, expect some pretty pages when she returns!  She will likely become my guru for all things blog...I do need help!
  • I plan on having a personalized background.  
  • I need to learn how to respond to all the lovely people who take the time to 'visit'. 
  • As I mentioned yesterday, I plan on getting a camera and adding pictures.  
In the mean time, I have an e-mail account   I've heard that it can be linked directly to the comments, which I will explore.  Are there other cool blog things you've seen and find helpful?  Let me know!  I will share now that I don't intend to add music.  First of all I know it slows loading and second if you open a couple of music'd sites on top of each other...well it's not a pretty chorus!

Wherever you are, have a glorious day and thank you for visiting.  It's filled my heart with accolades.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Today is October First.  (Happy Birthday, Mom!)   Her name was Arlyce and she was a consummate crafter! Today would have been my Mother's 75th birthday, however, she will be forever 53.   I grew up with her sewing and crocheting or glueing and pasting, all the while raising our family and being part of the traditional work force.   She lost her battle with Breast Cancer in 1990, but she  has not failed to inspire me from her heavenly 'digs'.  No surprise, the fruit falls close to the I am in a traditional career, with an ambition to transition to something more creative.

I wanted to chose Mom's birthday to launch my 'blog'.  But as my profile mentions, I am playing the 'Tortoise' in this career changing path.  I still have to get a camera so that I can add pictures...Hope you come back to see what's 'brewing'.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  I wear some shade of pink every day of the month.  I have had a couple people ask me if it's my 'uniform'.  This just opens the opportunity for me to talk about the importance of self exam and giving some kind of financial support to research, no matter how small.  
I leave with the hope that more and more of 'us' will be spared the destructive forces of Breast Cancer.    If not, I hope you find the support you need through the trials you face.   In my mind, I wrap you in the pink banner of hope and keep you all in my heart as you fight this invasive enemy.